Switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare

How to Switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare?

If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you may be wondering if you can switch back to Original Medicare. The good news is that you usually can return to Original Medicare, but timing is important. This article explains when and how you can switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare.

Choosing between Medicare Advantage and Original Medicare can be difficult. Medicare Advantage Plans often have lower premiums and offer extra benefits not included in Original Medicare. However, you may feel too restricted or find the plan isn’t right for you after enrolling. The limitations and drawbacks of Medicare Advantage make some beneficiaries eager to get back to Original Medicare Plan.

Fortunately, switching back is an option in many cases. Here’s what to know how to change  Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare Plan.

When Can You Switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare?

There are specific times when you are allowed to drop your Medicare Advantage plan and switch back to Original Medicare. Here are the opportunities you have:

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period

From January 1 to March 31 each year, the Medicare open enrollment period allows you to:

  • Switch to Original Medicare
  • Enroll in a stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
  • Move to a different Medicare Advantage Plan

During this window, you can drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and return to Original Medicare. You’ll also have a chance to add drug coverage since Medicare Advantage drug coverage goes away.

Medicare Annual Enrollment Period

The annual enrollment period runs from October 15 to December 7 each year. During this time frame, you can:

  • Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan
  • Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to a different one
  • Drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and return to Original Medicare

If you want to get off of a Medicare Advantage Plan and go back to Original Medicare, you can make that change during this fall open enrollment period.

Special Enrollment Periods

In certain situations, you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period that allows you to immediately return to Original Medicare outside the usual enrollment windows. This includes if:

  • You move out of your Medicare Advantage Plan’s service area
  • Your Medicare Advantage Plan leaves Medicare or reduces its service area
  • You qualify for certain financial assistance programs after enrolling

Make sure you check the specific requirements to see if you are eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. This allows an immediate chance to switch if you meet the criteria.

How Do You Switch Back to Original Medicare?

To drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and switch back to Original Medicare parts A and B, follow these steps:

  1. Decide on a stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan. Without Medicare Advantage drug coverage, you’ll need a separate Part D Plan. Research plans available in your area during the Medicare Plan finder.
  2. Inform your Medicare Advantage Plan you are leaving. You cannot be enrolled in Medicare Advantage and Original Medicare at the same time.
  3. Enroll in Original Medicare. You can sign up by contacting Medicare directly or working with a broker. Forms must be submitted by specific deadlines depending on if you are switching during an enrollment period.
  4. Consider a Medigap policy. These popular supplements help pay Medicare out-of-pocket costs. Apply within 6 months of leaving your Medicare Advantage Plan to get the best pricing and not be denied coverage.

The specific instructions vary slightly by situation. Always contact Medicare directly or speak with an expert to ensure you switch properly and don’t experience a coverage gap.

What is the Cost of Switching from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare?

The cost depends on what new coverage you enroll in after returning to Original Medicare:

  • Part B Premium: You must continue paying your monthly Part B premium just like before. For 2023, the standard premium is $164.90 per month.
  • Part D Premium: You’ll need to enroll in a stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan. The average premium in 2023 is around $31 per month but prices vary significantly by plan.
  • Medigap Policy: Supplemental Medigap Plans have monthly premiums starting around $100 per month and going up to over $200 for higher coverage options.

In most cases, your new premium costs will be higher when you switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare. However, your overall out-of-pocket costs when getting medical services may be lower.

Can You Go Back to the Same Medicare Advantage Plan?

If you’ve been enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan but switch back to Original Medicare, can you re-enroll in the same Medicare Advantage Plan in the future? The answer is usually yes, but there are a few caveats.

Medicare Advantage Plans in your area may change year to year. The plan you were previously in may not be available down the road. You’ll have to see what plans are offered at the time you want to switch back.

Certain Medicare Advantage Plans establish “lock-in” periods for members who leave then try to rejoin. This means you may have to wait a certain period of time – such as several years – before you can enroll again.

Medicare Advantage Plans may also deny your application to re-enroll if you have developed certain health conditions. Make sure to read the plan details carefully.

While you can usually return to Medicare Advantage, the plan landscape and rules can change. Weigh your choices carefully before leaving Original Medicare.

Key Takeaways: Switching from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare

  • Use the Medicare Advantage open enrollment period from January 1 to March 31 each year to switch to Original Medicare.
  • The fall annual enrollment period from October 15 to December 7 also offers a chance to return to Original Medicare.
  • Some situations allow you to switch immediately with a Special Enrollment Period.
  • Carefully follow the steps to disenroll from your Medicare Advantage Plan and sign up for Original Medicare.
  • You’ll need to enroll in a stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan when you leave Medicare Advantage.
  • Consider getting a Medigap policy to help cover Original Medicare’s out-of-pocket costs.
  • Your new premium costs will typically be higher under Original Medicare compared to Medicare Advantage.
  • You can usually go back to a Medicare Advantage Plan you were previously in, but plan availability and rules can change over time.

Switching from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare takes some preparation but provides you with more healthcare freedom. Talk to a Medicare expert to understand your options and make the best coverage decision.

We’re Here to Help

You do not have to spend hours reading articles on the internet to get answers to your Medicare questions. Give the licensed insurance agents at Manatee Insurance Solutions a Call at (352) 221-3779. You will get the answers you seek in a matter of minutes, with no pressure and no sales pitch. We are truly here to help.


Is it hard to switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare?

 Switching from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare can be a relatively simple process. However, it is important to carefully consider your options and understand any potential implications before making the switch. It is recommended that you contact your Medicare Plan provider or a Medicare counselor to discuss your specific situation and ensure a smooth transition.

What is the Medicare open enrollment period for Medicare Plan?

 The Medicare open enrollment period is a designated time each year when eligible individuals can make changes to their Medicare coverage. It typically occurs from October 15 to December 7. During this period, you can switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare, switch Medicare Advantage Plans, join a Medicare prescription drug plan, or make other changes to your Medicare coverage.

How do I switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare?

 To switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare, you can simply contact your Medicare Plan provider and inform them of your decision. They will guide you through the necessary steps and provide any required forms or documentation. It is important to note that choosing to switch to Original Medicare may impact your coverage and out-of-pocket costs, so it is advised to carefully review your options before making a decision.

Can I switch back to a Medicare Advantage Plan after switching to Original Medicare?

 Yes, you can switch back to a Medicare Advantage Plan during the Medicare open enrollment period, which occurs annually from October 15 to December 7. However, it is important to note that Medicare Advantage Plans may have different coverage options, costs, and network providers compared to Original Medicare. It is recommended to compare your options and consider your healthcare needs before making a decision.

How do I change my Medicare coverage?

 To change your Medicare coverage, you can use the Medicare Plan finder tool on the official Medicare website or contact your Medicare Plan provider directly. They will assist you in reviewing your options and making any necessary changes to your coverage. It is important to consider factors such as costs, coverage options, and network providers when making changes to ensure that your healthcare needs are met.

Can I switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare at any time?

 Generally, you can switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare during the Medicare open enrollment period, from October 15 to December 7. However, there are certain circumstances, such as moving out of the plan’s service area or qualifying for a special enrollment period, that may allow you to switch outside of the open enrollment period. It is recommended to contact your Medicare Plan provider or a Medicare counselor to discuss your specific situation and eligibility for switching outside of the open enrollment period.

What is a Medicare Supplement insurance plan?

 A Medicare Supplement insurance plan, also known as Medigap, is a type of private insurance plan that helps cover certain out-of-pocket costs associated with Original Medicare. These costs may include deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. Medicare Supplement Plans are sold by private insurance companies and are designed to work alongside Original Medicare to provide additional coverage and help reduce out-of-pocket expenses.

Can I switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan?

 Yes, you can switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan during the Medicare open enrollment period, from October 15 to December 7. Medicare Advantage Plans are offered by private insurance companies and provide all-in-one coverage that combines parts A, B, and often D of Medicare. Before making the switch, it is important to review your options, compare plans, and consider factors such as costs, coverage, and network providers.

How do I enroll in or change a Medicare Advantage Plan?

 To enroll in or change a Medicare Advantage Plan, you can use the Medicare Plan finder tool on the official Medicare website or contact your chosen Medicare Advantage Plan provider directly. They will guide you through the enrollment process and provide any required forms or documentation. It is important to review different Medicare Advantage Plans, compare their benefits and costs, and consider your healthcare needs before making a decision.

What is the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part C?

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, is an alternative way of receiving Medicare benefits. Medicare Advantage Plans are offered by private insurance companies and provide all-in-one coverage that combines parts A, B, and often D of Medicare. These plans may offer additional benefits and services that may not be available through Original Medicare. It is important to review different Medicare Advantage Plans and consider your healthcare needs before deciding if it is the right option for you.